zondag 6 maart 2016

Where on Google Earth #541

#540 was a real hard nut! Tracking through valleys across South America and Nepal with the areas further up north I finally ended up in North America to find the Pyramid Fault which Felix added to my geological interest.

Where the next challenge will bring you, I am afraid you will have to tell me the real significance. I'm sure you'll know more of it than I do. To me it is significant but those are the words of a layman of course...

Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. I would say a drumlin, glacer flowing from left to right?

  2. I would say, too soon for a hint after leaving us struggling in faults. ;-)

  3. Allright, one hint: Fell into paradise...

  4. 54°42′10″N 2°29′14″W, Cross Fell, the highest point in the Pennines, Great Britain.

    "Cross Fell and the adjoining fells are mainly a bed of hard, carboniferous limestone. Where this bed surfaces, there are steep rock faces. There are also strata of shale and gritstone that surface on the fell. On the south and west facing slopes of Cross Fell the rock faces have been broken up by frost action to give a scree slope made up of large boulders. The local terrain shows obvious evidence of recent glaciation and is covered by thin soil and acidic peat."

    I actually found it in 10 minutes from looking at the visible geology - the potholes in the limestone on the slopes, the colour of the vegetation and signs of human action pinted me to northern England and then it was very easy to find.

  5. Oh - the hint was a bit of a "cryptic clue" that makes perfect sense when you know the answer: The valley immediately to the west of Cross Fell is "Eden Vale".

  6. WoGE #542 is up: http://overburdenblog.blogspot.no/2016/03/where-on-google-earth-542.html
